Our Aims and Objectives
It is the aim and objective of FWF to provide needs based fostering services to children and young people who will be placed with us. In our statutory roles and responsibilities FWF aims to:
• Provide a safe and positive environment which represents young people and allows them to address the realities in their lives in a cultural environment that they can identify with.
• To work within the boundaries and dictates of Children’s Act 1989 and 2004, National Minimum Standards and The Fostering Services Regulations 2011 which form the basis of the regulatory framework under the Care Standards Act 2000 and also to work closely with Ofsted to ensure that standards are maintained.
• To provide placing authorities with weekly and monthly progress reports, when requested, on the young people placed within FWF. To ensure that each foster child has a current Placement Plan. To supervise all foster placements, carry out regular health and safety checks and risk assessments on all foster placements and to participate in all statutory reviews.
• To promote and develop the child/young person’s emotional, social, educational and cultural needs.
• To break the culture of institutionalisation, whilst recognising that semi-independent training encompasses a multitude of issues in relation to living independently.
• To empower the young person to come to terms with their presenting problem; to enable them to express themselves in a positive, safe and controlled environment.
• To maintain a varied and attractive program of recruitment and marketing appropriate to the needs of a diverse society so as to attract the maximum number of foster care applicants.
• To assess foster carers within the timescales outlined in the Department of Health Fostering Services, National Minimum Standards (2011) and through an assessment process that is rigorous and informative.
• To support foster parents through a range of social events, training opportunities, support groups and visits, ensuring the meeting of standards and the promotion of good child care practice.
• To positively promote and develop a fostering service that is sensitive to issues of religion, ethnicity and culture, promoting fostering from across the communities represented by the children and ensuring that placement choice is appropriate to the racial and religious origins of the child.
• To consult with children, young people, foster parents and staff on their experiences of the service and on required improvements.
• To work in partnership with other children, families, staff, other council departments and agencies to promote corporate parenting and secure effective outcomes for children and for foster parents.
• To ensure that all foster parents and staff undertake Disclosure Barring Services (DBS) checks and are reviewed every 3 years in line with Fostering Regulations 2011
• Any changes to the statement of purpose & Children’s guide FWF will notify Ofsted and a copy sent within 28 days. FWF will review the Statement of Purpose annually; however this may be reviewed earlier dependent to circumstances in relation to service provision and internal audits.
• FWF to ensure at all times that the service is conducted in a manner which is consistent with its statement of purpose including any conditions for the time being in force in relation to the registration of the agency.